Category: News

  • Integrated Drug Response Profiling of Myelofibrosis Patients

    Integrated Drug Response Profiling of Myelofibrosis Patients

    A recent Nature Communications paper by the Snijder & Wollscheid groups (IMSB) in collaboration with the Theocharides (USZ), Lopes (UZH), and Skoda (USB) groups, describes drugs targeting cancerous stem cells in blood of myelofibrosis patients and molecular mechanisms driving these drug responses.

  • Legal framework established for National Data Streams

    Legal framework established for National Data Streams

    SPHN and its partner initiative PHRT from the ETH Domain have reached a major milestone for the National Data Streams: for the NDS ‘LUCID’ and ‘SwissPedHealth’, the involved partners have agreed on the contractual framework conditions. They clarify the use of data within the projects and their re-use by third parties.

  • ETH Zürich and United States National Cancer Institute Sign Extension of MOU for Proteogenomics Cancer Research

    ETH Zürich and United States National Cancer Institute Sign Extension of MOU for Proteogenomics Cancer Research

    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) and the Switzerland International Cancer Proteogenome Consortium (ICPC) team at ETH Zürich are pleased to announce the formalization of an extension to their memorandum of understanding (MOU) for collaborative proteogenomics cancer research. This MOU serves to further strengthen the existing partnership that was established…

  • Two Clinical Trial Projects Launched: Transforming Clinical Care with ETH Technologies

    Two Clinical Trial Projects Launched: Transforming Clinical Care with ETH Technologies

    Following a highly competitive selection process by an international review panel, the PHRT Executive Committee has chosen two pioneering clinical trial projects from the ETH domain, in collaboration with clinical partners, to receive substantial funding of CHF 2 million each. These projects aim to transform the standard of clinical care by harnessing the power of…

  • Fighting Blood Cancer More Efficiently

    Fighting Blood Cancer More Efficiently

    On April 20, 2023, researchers from ETH Zurich and the University Hospitals of Zurich had a publi-cation released in Nature Cancer. Their work on multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, is enabled by Prof. Dr. Berend Snijder’s Pharmacoscopy technology, which was notably developed with funding by PHRT.

  • Pioneer Work in Spinal Cord Function Restoration

    Pioneer Work in Spinal Cord Function Restoration

    On May 24, 2023, Prof. Dr. Grégoire Courtine and his team of experts at EPFL have successfully published an article in Nature about their work on patients with spinal cord injuries, using a brain-spine interface to allow patients to walk again. The team of Prof. Courtine has received funding from PHRT.

  • PHRT Edu Retreat 2023

    PHRT Edu Retreat 2023

    On May 3-4, 2023, PHRT organized an Edu Retreat for the PhDs and postdocs working on PHRT projects with the goal of providing valuable input and strengthening the ties within this PHRT community. The event took place over two days in Thun and was attended by more than 35 participants.

  • Hope for patients with a severe rare disease

    Hope for patients with a severe rare disease

    New research offers potential benefits for those affected by the hereditary metabolic disease methylmalonic aciduria. By combining the results of multiple molecular analyses, scientists can better diagnose this rare and severe disease. In the future, an improved understanding of the disease might also improve treatment options.

  • Clinical Trial / Clinical Study / Human Research Call

    Clinical Trial / Clinical Study / Human Research Call

    PHRT intends to take the last step toward clinical implementation with a focused yet compelling project in human research, i.e., a clinical trial, a clinical study or a research project according to the Swiss Human Research Act (HRA). PHRT, therefore, invites successful PHRT projects to apply for a respective project.

  • SPHN and PHRT organize the 2nd Joint Personalized Health Day Switzerland, “The future of data-driven medicine in Switzerland”

    SPHN and PHRT organize the 2nd Joint Personalized Health Day Switzerland, “The future of data-driven medicine in Switzerland”

    Bern, 24 August 2022. The Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN), an initiative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, and Personalized Health & Related Tech-nologies (PHRT), a Strategic Focus Area of the ETH Domain, have organized the 2nd Joint Per-sonalized Health Day Switzerland. With more than 200 participants from research, hospitals, politics, and…