Category: Project
SensAL – Personalizing Postoperative Care of Gastrointestinal Surgery Patients based on Drain Fluid Monitoring
FLAG: FLAsh proton irradiation against dipGs
Detecting Novel Drug Combinations Associated with Adverse Events (MedCare)
NAVIGATOR: Enabling opeN dAta-driven innoVation in dIagnostic radiology with quAntitative aTtenuatiOn and phase-contrast bReast CT
Integrating Medical Image Data and Assessments for Personalized Cardiovacular Risk Estimation
Relapsed/refractory AML treatment by Pharmacoscopy-Identified Drugs, a randomized phase-2 clinical trial (PHRT RAPID-01)
PROGNOSTICS: PeRsOnalized theraGNOstics of metaStaTIC proState cancer
Accelerated Transfer of Imaging Software for Digital Pathology to Clinics
AI-Powered Precision in Cervical Spine Imaging
PRUCA Diagnostics: Protease Responsive Ultrasound Contrast Agents for Personalized Healthcare of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease