Health 2030 Genome Center – Clinical Genomic Analysis Center (CGAC) of the PHRT Swiss Multi-Omics Center – PHRT


Health 2030 Genome Center – Clinical Genomic Analysis Center (CGAC) of the PHRT Swiss Multi-Omics Center

Short Summary

The Health 2030 Genome Center (GC) is a national genomics Competence Center and serves as the Clinical Genomic Analysis Center (CGAC) of the PHRT Swiss Multi-Omics Center. Established to propel genomic medicine in Switzerland, the Center actively supports large-scale human genomics research projects and facilitates genomics applications in hospitals and clinics.


The overarching goal of the GC, operating as CGAC, is to promote personalized health and genomic medicine. By actively supporting large-scale genomics research initiatives and facilitating genomics applications in healthcare settings, the GC aims to significantly shape genomics practices in Switzerland.


The importance of the GC as national genomics competence center is underscored by its ISO 15189–accredited sequencing and data analysis services. Positioned strategically, this accreditation enables the GC to provide crucial support to national genomics initiatives, universities, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers. The GC’s dedicated efforts to advance genomics in healthcare and research establish it as a central hub for transformative initiatives. Strategic Areas: Over the past 5 years, the GC has demonstrated preparedness in three strategically important areas: 1. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The GC established a clinically accredited, state-of-the-art infrastructure for large-scale nucleic acid sequencing, data analytics, and data governance. This platform is ready to support the clinical community’s diverse needs. 2. Integration of multi-omic data: Actively participating in the PHRT Swiss Multi-Omic Center (SMOC), the GC promotes national and multi-disciplinary collaboration, allowing better integration of molecular analyses and more precise modelling of diseases. 3. Readiness for public health needs: The GC has demonstrated readiness to quickly respond to public health needs, such as the FOPH-supported SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance program, and actively contributes to national genomics initiatives. The GC has successfully established a unique infrastructure in Switzerland. With its multipronged competence, accredited and non-accredited services, and services in development, the GC is uniquely positioned to serve as the regional and national hub for medical genomics. Moreover, it aims to actively participate in pan-European initiatives focusing on genomic data generation, governance, and sharing. In summary, the GC is a national genomics competence center dedicated to advancing personalized health and genomic medicine. Through strategic expertise and ISO 15189–accredited services, the GC significantly contributes to the progress of genomics in Switzerland.


Recognizing the gap in Switzerland’s strategy for harnessing genomics resources in health management, the GC develops sequencing and analytic pipelines for clinical-grade DNA and RNA exploration. It initiates projects such as the Swiss Federated Genomics Network (SFGN) and Genome of Switzerland (GoS) to pave the way for implementing genomic medicine. In its pilot phase the GoS aims to sequence 1,000 clinical-grade genomes before scaling up to 15,000 genomes to create a national reference dataset and enable Swiss participation in the European ‘1+ Million Genomes’ Initiative.


Prof. Dr. Jacques Fellay



  • Health 2030
In Progress

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